St Martin de Porres Church

31555 Hoover RD
Warren, MI 48093

Rev. Nicholas Zukowski, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Marion Jurewicz,​ Deacon

Tel: (586) 264-7515
 Fax: (586) 264-4013
  Formation: (586) 264-7970  



   Growing Faith and Engaging Hearts  

Today is the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. The term “Epiphany,”
based on the Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “revelation,”
commemorates key events in the life of Jesus – the visitation of the Three
Wise Men, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, and Jesus’ first public
miracle at the wedding at Cana. Each reflects a moment of divine revelation.
This holy day marks the arrival of the Magi to worship the Baby Jesus and the
manifestation of Jesus as the Savior of the world highlighting that His coming
is for all nations. Through today’s readings, we explore how Jesus’ light
shines for all, guiding and inviting us to follow Him.

May the light of Christ shine from within us and prepare our hearts to
recognize His presence in our lives. Christ’s spirit of light still lives among us.

God Bless,

Sandy Acord
Director of Christian Formation

   For information on Faith Formation or with
   questions, please call the Formation office
   at 586-264-7970

   Sandy Acord, DRE, Ext. 233

   Mary Loria, Administrative Assistant  
​   Ext. 231  

   Or email us at:

   St. Martin de Porres & Protecting Children:

   Safe Environment - information for parents


2024-25 Formation
​class schedule:

Faith formation classes are

 held on Tuesdays. Our
schedule of classes:

4:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Levels 5, 6, and 7

6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8

7:45 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 
Level 9 (Confirmation)

Links to Catholic Family Resources

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Archdiocese of Detroit

Sadlier Religion Resources


Catechist magazine

RCL Benziger

​ ·  Are you thinking about becoming Catholic?
 ·  Do you know someone who is?
 ·  Do you need to complete your Sacramental preparation?

St. Martin de Porres Parish has adult formation from September to February.  Please contact the Parish Office at 586-264-7515 for more information on joining the program.​​

St. Martin de Porres - Christian Formation

Christian Faith Formation 

Faith formation serves to guide Catholics in more fully proclaiming Christ ​as our center and light. By providing guidance, inspiration, and support in our journey ​with Christ, we inspire Christians to incorporate our faith in all aspects of their daily life. 

Visit our Safe Environments page to learn more about our care of the children of St. Martin de Porres Parish

The Christian Faith Formation process at St. Martin de Porres is open to all children,
levels 1 through 9. Our classes begin in September and conclude at the end of April.
We welcome children from families of other parishes in the surrounding area. We
​ask that families be registered at St. Martin de Porres Church, but it is not mandatory. ​​

Programs Under Christian Faith Formation 

 ·  Religious Education 
 ·  Children’s Liturgy of the Word (11:00 a.m. Mass) 
 ·  Children’s Mass 
 ·  Summer Youth Group 
 ·  Vacation Bible School 
 ·  Level 8 Bible Study “Encounter”

Other Family Activities 
 ·  Children’s Rosary 
 ·  Family Mass 
 ·  Family Fun/Movie Night 
 ·  Tree-Trimming Service ​​

Sacraments - Christian Faith Formation 
 ·  Reconciliation (First Confession) 
 ·  First Eucharist (First Holy Communion) 
 ·  Confirmation 

Sacramental preparation takes place at home and during regular class time. We assist parents and guardians as they exercise their role as the first and best educators of their children in faith formation and the practice of the Catholic faith. 

Adult Formation - OCIA