Other Local Events and Ministries


St. Blase Golf Outing July 29

Sycamore Hills Golf Course
Monday, July 29
Register at St Blase Parish Office, 586.268.2244 or stblase.org
$100 per person - please register by July 15

The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

In the Bible in a Year Podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes. Using an exclusive reading plan in The Bible Timeline (a groundbreaking approach to understanding salvation history developed by Biblical scholar Jeff Cavins) you won’t just read the Bible, you’ll finally understand how all the pieces fit together to tell an amazing story that continues in your life today!

If you have struggled to read the Bible, this podcast if for you. It’s offered by Ascension Press. Each 20-25 minute episode includes 2-3 scripture readings, a reflection from Fr. Mike Schmitz, and a guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in His Word. Tune in and live your daily life through the lens of God’s Word! Go to ascensionpress.com for more information and to sign up for the podcast.


Retrouvaille has helped troubled marriages for 45 years.  Only one marriage really matters; Yours. Let us help. 

But only one matters, YOURS!

HelpOurMarriage.org or 1 – 800 – 470 - 2230 24 hrs

For Widowed Men and Women

For further information about Widowed Friends and upcoming events, visit our website at www.widowedfriends.org

St. Martin de Porres Church News

St Martin de Porres Church

31555 Hoover RD
Warren, MI 48093

Rev. Nicholas Zukowski, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Marion Jurewicz,​ Deacon

Tel: (586) 264-7515
 Fax: (586) 264-4013
  Formation: (586) 264-7970  



How To Report Abuse

The Archdiocese of Detroit encourages individuals to

report clergy sexual abuse of minors and others – no matter when the abuse occurred. Individuals may contact local law enforcement authorities and/or they may report to

the Archdiocese of Detroit

by calling the Victim

Assistance Coordinator at

(866) 343-8055 or by 

emailing vac@aod.org In addition, the Michigan

Attorney General’s Office

can be contacted at its

toll-free reporting hotline at (844) 324-3374

(Monday through Friday,

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

or by email at aginvestigations@michigan.gov

More information about the Archdiocese’s efforts to

address abuse may be found 

at protect.aod.org.


News from St. Martin de Porres ​Parish Ministries and Groups

Active Christian Women's Club

  • May your summer be filled with family, friends and plenty of love and sunshine. May God Bless all of you. 
  • 07/14 -Anniversary mass for deceased member Fran Edwards at 11:00 AM liturgy.
  • ACWC wishes Fr. Nick, Deacon Marion, Sister Pat, all the men & women in the Armed Forces who are protecting America as well as all the parishioners of St. Martin’s a very happy 4th of July.

Join the Pius X Council 

​The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in the United States in 1882, it is named in honor of Christopher Columbus and dedicated to the principles of  Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish Center, Room 1

​For contact information or to learn more, visit the Council's Website

Right To Life

In one of my daily devotionals, I read the following passage of scripture and thought how this truly applies to today; especially in the social/ political arena regarding LIFE.

Set aside time to digest what Paul is telling Timothy and ask the Holy Spirit for strength to endure.

“In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the
living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I
give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and
out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience
and careful instruction. For the time will come when people will not
put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they
will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what
their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from
the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all
situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist,
discharge all the duties of your ministry.”

2 Timothy 1-5

Let us pull together and stand on truth and be the best Joyful Missionary Disciples we can be in our little corners of the world!

​Blessings of peace to all!

Maribeth C.
Parish Rep for Right to Life

There is help for anyone suffering from the effects of abortion:

1 (877) 586-4621 – Lumina is a post-abortion referral network that offers retreats, counseling, and other services.

1 (800) 57-WOMAN – Right to Life of Michigan has a 24-hour toll-free hotline that is operated by OptionLine to find people local agencies in Michigan that offer post-abortive counseling, pregnancy help, and adoption referrals.

Rachel’s Vineyard offers weekend retreats for those suffering from an abortion experience—both women and men. They create a non-judgmental, safe place to think and explore their feelings about abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard believes it is important for them to grieve the loss of their unborn child before they can take steps toward healing and forgiveness Women are not the only ones who can feel the pain and suffering brought about by an abortion. Studies show that abortion can also leave families heartbroken. Fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings also feel the residual undesirable impact of abortion.

Please visit RTL.org for more information and let us keep in our prayers all who are hurting from an abortion—embrace them with love!

Right To Life Resources:  

Online Help:




(800) 57WOMAN or (800) 579-6626

For men:
(877) LIFE OPTIONS or (877) 543-3678
Text for help: (800) 712-4357

Blessings to all!

Maribeth C
Parish Rep for Right to Life

St. Martin de Porres First Saturday Memorial Association

* What is the St. Martin de Porres first Saturday Memorial Association?

It is a special offering made by parishioners through which your intentions are remembered at the 5:00 Mass to be celebrated each FIRST SATURDAY of the month throughout the entire year.

* What is the requested offering?

A yearly offering of $60.00 is asked for the intentions to be remembered at this Mass, to be celebrated on the first Saturday of each month at the 5:00 pm Mass.

* How do I list my Intentions?

You may list your intentions one of two ways. As one individual name: Mary Jones or you may list family groupings: The Jones Family. Multiple names may be listed but require an additional offering of $60.00 for each name listed.

* When will these Masses begin?

As the memorial begins to form, and intentions are submitted, we will begin the Masses in May of this year. Some have already submitted names. The “intention year” will then be from May to May. And then we begin again. If you wish to continue having 
your intentions remembered at these Masses, you will be asked to renew your offering each year.

* How do I become part of the “St. Martin de Porres First Saturday Memorial Association? 

Please submit the form at the bottom of the back page with your payment to:

Diocesan—St. Martin de Porres #557
1050 74th St. SW
Byron Center, MI 49513
For questions or for Credit/Debit payment call Susie Boone at 1-800-783-1623

Give Thanks with Online Giving

To support your parish if you are able, you can easily go to online giving and either set up for weekly donations or a one time donation. We need your support now more than ever.

...Read the FAQ

Sign up, or see your giving history at anytime by logging in at our Parish's web page at  Connect Now.

OR - Give through the AoD!

St. Martin de Porres Parish, Warren, has an online-giving link for weekly offering and for the CSA via the Archdiocese. The online-giving domain is: https://give.aod.org

2024 Catholic Services Appeal - Click here to read Archbishop Vigneron's message

Make Your 2024 CSA online contribution here


(Report for June 6) (Report for July19)
AMOUNT PLEDGED on June 6: $54,503;  on July 19: $70,368
% of TARGET on June 6: 68%;  on July 19:88%
NUMBER OF GIFTS on June 6: 126 out of 644 households; on July 19: 180
% of PARTICIPATION on June 6: 19%; on July 19: 20%
AVERAGE GIFT: on June 6: $432.00; on July 19: $391.00


Anything collected above our parish target will go towards the necessary upgrading of our church parking lot. If every household donated $300 or more, we would raise $100,000 to cover the cost of the repairs! 

We’re in the Home Stretch -- Let’s make it to the Finish Line!

If donating by check, please make out your check to: Archdiocese of Detroit – CSA. On the memo line, please write: St. Martin de Porres Parish.


Thank you and God bless you for your generous support! Keep praying for us to reach and surpass our parish goal as we have since its inception in 1982! 

​​Church Rummage Sale August 1 - 3


Sale dates are August 1, 2, & 3 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

​Contact Sandy Acord at 586.264.7970 for further information and thank you for donating!

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration August 2

Friday, August 2 from noon to 3:00 p.m.

Benediction is at 3:00 p.m.

Please come and join us to spend some quiet time with our Lord.

Food Pantry Needs July 22 - August 11

Items needed:
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Pancake Mix and Syrup
Canned Salmon and Tuna Fish
Canned Fruit
Canned Soup
Macaroni and Cheese
Ramen Noodles
Canned Spam
Canned Chef Boyardee

Please place items in the food baskets in church or drop off to main office during the weeks of July 22nd to Aug 11th. Thank you for your support,

Christina Corona

Director of Christian Service

Backpack Drive for St. Dominics Outreach August 17 - 18

Please consider helping out St. Dominic’s Outreach in Detroit for this terrific event where children of all ages can come and pick out a free backpack full of school supplies. On August 17th and 18th we will have a blue canopy/ tent outside the parish office doors ready to load your items, before and after all Masses.

Recommended items to put in the NEW backpack(s): paper, folders, binders, notebooks, pen, pencils, glue sticks, child safety scissors, plastic ruler, markers and crayons.

In addition to these items, Kleenex, disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer would be a huge help keeping the classrooms germ free!

Craft Fair coming Saturday November 2

Great news…we are excited to announce that the 2024 ACWC Holiday Craft Fair will be on Saturday, November 2, from 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. 

It may seem early to be thinking about November,  however, we need you to do just that! This annual event is only successful by your truly amazing participation.

Aside from securing great crafters, we will need captains/helpers in several areas: bakers, bake sale, kitchen, raffles, Santa’s Wonderland, etc. More details on the areas of volunteering will be shared in the coming weeks. Over the next several weeks, please consider being a part of this wonderful fun-filled day. If you have any questions, please contact Maribeth at 586-855-8556.

Vets Returning Home Donation Bins for Clothing and Shoes ONLY!

These bins are strictly for men's, women's and children's clothing and shoes ONLY ...let me repeat this, clothing and shoes ONLY. Household items or furniture of any kind will NOT be excepted at all for any reason. Please don’t be the reason the bins are removed for not following the donation requirements.

Bins will be emptied monthly and taken to VRH Center where families of the center will take what they need and then the overflow of clothing will be taken to the VRH resale store to be sold (keep in mind the proceeds from the store comes back to VRH Center) to help support their programs. As always, Thank you for your support! Please feel free to contact me at the office with any questions you may have.


Director of Christian Service

Spirit of Giving Hope Collections for 2024

July Collection:  Dish soap - tablets or liquid 

August Collection: Laundry soap, softener, and dryer sheets

Saints Among The Saints Family of Parishes

Our Central Macomb Vicariate Family 4, now titled "Saints Among The Saints" includes with St. Martin de Porres:

St. Blasé Parish

12151 E. 15 Mile Rd, Sterling Heights, 48312

Mass: Saturday - 4:00 p.m. | Sunday - 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 9:30 a.m.

Confession: Saturday 3:00 p.m.

St. Ephrem Parish

38900 Dodge Park Rd

Sterling Heights, 48312

Mass: Saturday - 4:30 p.m. | Sunday - 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 a.m.

Confession: Wednesday 8:00 a.m.  & Saturday 3:30 p.m.

St. Michael Parish

40501 Hayes Rd

Sterling Heights 48313

Mass: Saturday 4:30 p.m. | Sunday 8:00, 9:45, & 11:30 a.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:30 a.m.

Confession: Saturday 3:00 p.m.