The Christian Service Commission

​Ushers at St. Martin de Porres

Looking for a place to be of service and help to our Parish community? Please consider becoming a Parish Usher. Everyone is welcome! For more Information, please come to our Bi-monthly meeting, or see the Parish Bulletin for contact information.

Music Ministry

St. Martin's music ministries are rehearsing! New singers and instrumentalists are always welcome. First rehearsal dates are listed for each group below. Consider and pray about joining! Anyone interested in joining the Resurrection Choir or Cantor program may leave a message at the parish office.

  • ​​Adult Choir: They will alternate ministering between the 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses on a monthly basis.
  • ​Contemporary Choir: They will alternate ministering between the 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses on a monthly basis.
  • ​Handbell Choir: They minister at various Masses throughout the year.​

Active Christian Women's Club

Join with the women of St. Martin de Porres in faith, friendship, and service. The ACWC sponsors many events during the year, as well as organizing on-going collections for the Holiday Giving Tree and Craft Committees to benefit those in need.

​Visit the News page of this site for upcoming meetings and events.

The Christian Service Commission exists as a model and resource to enable the entire parish community to put the social teachings of the Church into action in the community and in the world. The Commission creates and/or promotes, at the parish level, programs which strive to address human needs and achieve justice, whether locally or in the broader communities of the Vicariate, Archdiocese, state, nation, or world. This commission meets the last Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.


 ·​ Active Christian Women’s Club (ACWC) 
 · Blood Drives 
 · Boy Scouts 
 · Clothing and Household Goods Drives 
 · Chaplain Services to Local Nursing Homes 
 · Communion to the Sick and Homebound 
 · Food Collection for the Poor

Catholic Annulments

St. Martin de Porres - Ministries

The Worship Commission

The Evangelization Commission serves as a catalyst for the total evangelizing effort in the parish. The Evangelization Commission works directly with the pastor, pastoral staff, Parish Pastoral Council, Parish Finance Council and the parish commissions to ensure that evangelization is the parish priority and is integrated into all areas of parish life. ​

What is Evangelization? 
According to the U.S. Bishops, “Evangelizing means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself. At its essence are the proclamation of salvation in Jesus Christ and the response of a person in faith, which are both works of the Spirit of God.” (Go and Make Disciples, 10; cf. Evangelii Nuntiandi, 18)

In its broad sense, evangelization is a single, but complex reality of interrelated ecclesial activities encompassing the entire prophetic ministry of the Church that includes, for example, a systematic catechetical instruction. (cf. EN, 44) In other words, all that the Church does should touch every aspect of our lives. It also challenges us to constantly learn about and deepen our personal faith in Jesus Christ. 

What is the New Evangelization? 
The phrase “new evangelization,” made popular by Pope John Paul II, refers to a new effort at a comprehensive proclamation of the Gospel to the baptized that, “have lost a living sense of the faith, or even no longer consider themselves members of the Church, and live a life far removed from Christ and His Gospel.” (Redemptoris Mission, 33) 

Why does Your Parish Exist? To Evangelize! 
It is the task of the Evangelization Commission to find creative ways to deepen our faith and to evangelize ourselves first. This would include bible study, spirituality workshops, retreats, and days of recollection. With this personal formation we can “go and make disciples.” Will you join us? “Come and see!” 

This commission meets bi-monthly on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.

Retrouvaille of Metro Detroit 


“Retrouvaille” –  “Look Again” at Your Marriage

​The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples Facing Difficult Challenges in their Relationship

  • A Marriage program that helps couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship.
  • A Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend.
  • Primarily a practical program to improve communication, build stronger marriages, and help couples reconnect.
  • Presenters are not trained marriage counselors, but rather couples sharing their personal stories of marital struggles and the tools they used to rediscover their love.
  • We have a 70-80% success rate* in helping struggling marriages. (Many on the brink of divorce)  *varies by community 
  • Endorsed by the Archdiocese of Detroit, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Francis

Please visit the HelpOurMarriage website for details and sign-up information for up-coming sessions.​​

 ·  Holiday Giving Programs 
 ·  Hospitality--Coffee and Donut Ministry 
 ·  Knights of Columbus 
 ·  Mission Trip to Appalachia 
 ·  Parish Nurse Ministry 
 ·  Right to Life 
 ·  Warming Center for the Homeless 

The Family Ministry

Knights of Columbus St. Pius X Council 3848

St Martin de Porres Church

31555 Hoover RD
Warren, MI 48093

Rev. Nicholas Zukowski, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Marion Jurewicz,​ Deacon

Tel: (586) 264-7515
 Fax: (586) 264-4013
  Formation: (586) 264-7970  


The Family Ministry (formerly the Education Commission) provides educational opportunities for parishioners of all ages. It participates in an advisory capacity in the Christian Faith Formation program for the children and youth of the parish. It recommends potential topics of interest for adult faith formation ​and creates programs to meet those needs. Any adult of the parish may serve on the Family Ministry Commission. Members should have an interest in the faith needs of children, youth, and adults and be willing to work to meet those needs. This commission usually meets the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

Have you considered the Annulment Process, but just never found the right time to pursue it? Or thought the process would be too hard to do? Perhaps this is the right time. With guidance, the process is much less complicated and the rewards are many, especially the healing that takes place. If interested, call Fr. Nick at 586.264.7515 to set up an appointment.

The Worship Commission promotes and strengthens the continuing liturgical renewal of the Second Vatican Council. The Worship commission promotes ongoing education, planning, and evaluation in the areas of the liturgy. The Commission is also involved with liturgical celebrations and is the liaison for relations with other Christian and non-Christian churches and religious bodies.

The Worship Commission collaborates with the other parish Commissions and the Parish Pastoral Council, and the Office of Christian Worship. It develops and establishes objectives to realize and accomplish parish and Archdiocesan goals and ecclesiastical norms in the area of liturgy and parish worship. The Commission proposes and submits its priorities and budget to the Parish Pastoral Council and develops and oversees the evaluation of its own work as well as that of Parish liturgical life ​Ministries Under The Worship Commission​

Continue Reading about the Worship Commission

​​​ ·  Altar Servers
 ·  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
 ·  Lectors
​ ·  Ministers of Hospitality (Greeters and Ushers)
 ·  Music Ministries, which include the Adult Choir, Contemporary Choir, Children's Choir,
​     Handbell Choir, and Resurrection Choir
 ·  OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults).

   Learn More

    The Evangelization Commission

    Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish Center, ​in Room 1.  See the  parish bulletin for contact information.

    Visit the Knights online:
    ​​·   K of C Council 3848 Website

    ·   K of C  State  and  Supreme